Monday, April 6, 2009

Monkey and Steve Reflection

Personally, I am a sucker for a cute face and rats definitely supply that!!! I would love to change the negative perspective that so many people hold when it comes to rats.

My rats, Monkey and Steve, have brought me nothing but joy and I can say that I am a proud rat owner. I was a little unsure how successful a blog on rats would be and whether I would have something to write about each week. After looking back on nearly 14 weeks, I never had a problem coming up with something to share. I found so many others like me who want to change negative perspectives and are proud to have a rat or two to call their own.

I hope that my pictures and personal videos of Monkey & Steve have been helpful in possibly changing a negative perspective or two and maybe even have warmed your heart to the little furballs :)

It has been wonderful sharing my experiences and I hope to continue to post updates on the two little furry men in my life.

If you are considering a pet, but a little concerned about cost and upkeep of one, consider a rat. They are easily and inexpensively maintained and are perfect companions!

Rat Assistance and Teaching Society

A half a million households in the U.S. own pet rats or mice, yet because of the rvulsion many people have toward wild rats, pet rats are often misunderstood and mistreated. At many pet hops, beterinary hospitals and animal shelters, pet rats "get no respect" and therefore don't get the care they need or deserve.

The Rat Assistance & Teaching Society (R. A. T. S.) was formed to educate people about pet rats and to teach animal care professionals the proper care of rats.

Mission Statement: We believe rats should be respected as pets and treated as humanely as any other pet....I say here, here.

On the R. A. T. S. website you will find lots of info about the care of rats, lists of recue groups, vets, and breeders, and much more on the sister organization, The Rat Fan Club (something that I have already blogged about!!!)